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Students have once again been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag
Posted on: 12/07/2023

Students have once again been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag

Students have once again been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag. The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an international accreditation that recognises efforts to raise environmental awareness amongst young people, whilst taking action to make their school more sustainable. Amery Hill School is proud to announce that it has retained its status as an accredited Eco-School.    The Eco-Schools programme was established in 1994 and is now delivered in more than 70 countries across the globe. The programme prompts young people to explore a variety of environmental issues, including climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Students are then empowered to plan and deliver environmental actions in their school, local community, and beyond. This year, the Eco-Union has continued to build on the strong foundations set out at the start of the school’s Eco-Schools journey and in recent months has completed an Environmental Review. This has really highlighted the scope and positive impact of many eco initiatives implemented over the past three years. Promotion of earth day, numerous recycling initiatives, eco competitions and fundraising for key climate change charities are just some of the work the Eco-Union has spearheaded. “The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognised symbol of high environmental standards. The students and school staff are to be commended and deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity to retain the school’s status as an accredited Eco-School. They are an inspiration to us all.” Mr Mann.View Article
Prom 2023
Posted on: 10/07/2023

Prom 2023

On 28th June, the students of Amery Hill School’s Year 11 bid farewell to their five memorable years of education with an extraordinary prom held at the prestigious Audley's Wood Hotel. The evening was nothing short of magical, filled with glamorous arrivals, heartfelt celebrations, and unforgettable moments. The prom night commenced with a red carpet reception, where students descended from an array of transportation options, ranging from tractors to sports cars and even diggers. The students, clad in their finest attire, made grand entrances that reflected their unique personalities and added an extra touch of excitement to the event. Inside the beautifully decorated marquee, the air buzzed with anticipation as the students eagerly embraced the night's festivities. The dance floor quickly became the centre of attention with everyone on their feet throughout the night. There was a really lovely atmosphere, with laughter, joy, and heartfelt goodbyes filling the air, creating a memorable finale for their time at Amery Hill. The Year 11 prom will undoubtedly remain etched in the hearts of the students as a cherished memory of their school years. We are incredibly proud of all they have achieved, as it has not been a smooth 5 years of education for them (thanks to a global pandemic). However, they took this all in their stride and have really done themselves proud in their last few months with us. Everyone at Amery Hill wishes them all the luck in the world as they move forward into the next phase of their lives and start a new exciting chapter in their schooling. Check out the Prom photos 2023 GalleryView Article
Amery Hill School Announces New Headteacher
Posted on: 26/06/2023

Amery Hill School Announces New Headteacher

Amery Hill School in Alton is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Headteacher, Mr Rob Jeckells, who will take up the position, in September 2023, after the summer holidays. Mr Jeckells is a highly experienced Deputy Headteacher from Kings’ School in Winchester. The comprehensive recruitment process included seeking external independent advice as well as involving a broad cross-section of Trustees, staff and students in the school. One of our objectives was to find a Headteacher who understands and shares our outlook, which is rooted in strong values. Throughout our discussions it was clear that Mr Jeckells, not only shares our focus on academic excellence and high achievement for all, but will continue to develop our ethos and vision in the future. We would like to congratulate Mr Mann, our current Headteacher, who has been appointed as CEO of Wildern Academy Trust and will take up his new position in September. Rob Jeckells said: ‘It will be my honour and privilege to lead Amery Hill School. I am a strong believer in the power of education to transform lives, and I’m ambitious to build upon the work of the current Headteacher and staff. The opportunity to lead Amery Hill School and serve the whole community is hugely exciting for me and I’m looking forward to leading the school into the next phase of its history.’ Lorna Vickery, Chair of Trustees, said ‘We are very sad to see Mr Mann depart and thank him for all the hard work and dedication he has shown to ensure the very best for the students at Amery Hill School. Mr Mann has worked tirelessly with the Senior Leadership Team, staff and Trustees over the last five years to strengthen the academic excellence of our school and maintain our caring ethos, whilst steering the school through the Covid pandemic. We look forward to a bright future for the school with Mr Jeckells, whilst wishing Mr Mann every success, health and happiness with his future career.’View Article
Rights Respecting School Award
Posted on: 9/04/2022

Rights Respecting School Award

In December we announced that we had begun our journey to become a school which is committed to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and were working towards the first stage of the RRSA accreditation with Unicef UK.  I am excited to announce that since then, we have achieved our Bronze Award which means that we are a ‘Rights Committed’ school.  This means that we have demonstrated our school’s commitment and shown how we intend to become rights respecting. The next step is working towards the Silver Award and being ‘Rights Aware’, which will involve the school’s activities and work on rights respecting being inspected by a UNICEF RRSA Professional Adviser. Our initial survey of students and staff last term appraised our strengths and current position and helped with our action plan for the Silver ‘Rights Aware’ Award which has been developed in consultation with our Student Voice Ambassadors and other staff members. We have also introduced the Rights of the Child in assemblies across all year groups explaining how and why our decision to becoming a Rights Respecting School is so important. A summary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child can be found here. Sharing knowledge with our students  to help them learn about their rights and putting them into practice every day is fundamental to the award. As a school we already arrange events and facilitate discussions relating to the Convention, and will continue to raise the awareness of this within lessons, tutor time and in the day-to-day life of our school.  The crisis which has unfolded in Ukraine, with devastating outcomes for so many people, including children, who have been forced to uproot their lives, make dangerous journeys and seek safety where they can, has been one topic discussed with students and incorporated into assemblies for all year groups. Article 38 (War and Armed Conflicts) of the Convention states that “Governments must not allow children under the age of 15 to take part in war or join the armed forces. Governments must do everything they can to protect and care for children affected by war and armed conflicts.”  This, and the war in Ukraine, has been discussed in a variety of supportive ways with students as part of our RRSA and EfL activities. Students have also been able to contribute to a campaign promoted by the English Department which involves providing support for children displaced as a result of the conflict.  View Article

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