Posted on: 2/12/2024Young Musicians at Royal Albert HallLast week a number of Amery Hill School alumni participated in a concert at the Royal Albert Hall which saw the Hampshire County Youth Band perform ‘Gaelforce’, by Peter Graham. Conducted by Jon Cranston, alumni Alex Richards proudly took centre stage for the solo. The Music for Youth Proms concert showcases the brilliance of young musicians from across the whole UK. Known for its electric atmosphere and diverse musical performances, each night, over 1500 amazing young musicians perform on the iconic Royal Albert Hall stage in ensembles, bands, and choirs large and small, performing pieces from all music disciplines. Congratulations to everyone involved in this performance – it was truly brilliant!View Article
Posted on: 5/03/2024Nathan Ward WorkshopMiss Burrell, Head of Art We were very lucky to have Amery Hill alumni Nathan Ward visit the department again this year to work alongside our Year 10 GCSE Fine Art and 3D Art students. Nathan is a paper and cardboard artist and began by showing the students examples of some of his recent projects which included multiple installations at the National Trust property Waddesdon Manor as part of their Christmas displays. He then did a demonstration where he taught the students different techniques on manipulating paper and how to construct 3D shapes before they were then given the opportunity to create their own artwork to be displayed as part of an underwater scene. The students really enjoyed having the opportunity to work collaboratively and create their pieces over the course of three periods and the final displays look fantastic. View Article
Posted on: 29/11/2024Careers Fair a Huge SuccessThis first term of the school year has seen some important positive change to our ‘Education for Life’ programme, as a result of the adaptions to the structure of the school day. Students now have two extended tutor times a week where they cover the PSHE and Careers Programme, which has allowed us to cover more material in greater detail, giving them a real ‘Education for Life’. In this new spiral curriculum, students across the school have been studying similar topics during the autumn term, with various levels of age-appropriate content, to ensure knowledge is built on as they progress though the school and to continue to challenge their views on important topics. The Careers Programme is an important module within our ‘Education for Life’ curriculum. Just before October half term, many of our local colleges, as well as an apprenticeship provider, came into school to help Year 11 apply for their chosen next steps. As the first of the college application deadlines has just passed, it is important that all students apply for a place, if possible, this side of Christmas. If you would like more information around this, please get in touch with our Careers Advisor at Earlier in the term, we were pleased to announce that our Year 10 cohort will be on a week of work experience later in the school year. This opportunity will help provide even greater insight in to the world of work and options beyond Amery Hill, and will hopefully give them experiences that will help inform future choices. Students who have been unsuccessful in finding their own placement have been supported to find a suitable opportunity, but if you still have a concern that a placement has not been found or agreed please get in touch at On Friday 29th November we hosted our annual Careers Fair, in which Year 9 and 10 students had the chance to interact with local businesses and colleges in workshops throughout the school day, followed by a visit to the Careers Fair in the Main Hall. Students took part in workshops as: ‘Seeing is Believing’ with InSync Technology, ‘The Power of Journalism’ with Naked Politics and many, many more. Thank you to everyone who came along and made the Fair such a huge success. We hope next year will be even bigger! View Article
Posted on: 12/07/2024A Time for ReflectionTwo weeks before the end of the summer term, 45 GCSE History students, along with Mr Eaton, Dr Lewis-Vidler, Mrs Stanley and Mr White, visited the battlefields of the First World War in Belgium and Northern France. We went not only to visit the sites of major events in the conflict but also to pay our respects and commemorate those who so bravely put their lives on the line. We visited many locations that students have learnt about in class and our guides were brilliant at taking us to places when men from Alton lost their lives and were buried, such as Hawthorn Ridge and Crater. On the trip we visited many cemeteries and memorials of soldiers and it was extremely touching for us to hear a few of the personal stories of the people who have their final resting place abroad, so far from home. Particularly impactful were the large memorials including the Menin Gate, where we saw the Last Post ceremony take place on the first day, Thiepval Memorial to the missing of the Battle of the Somme and Tyne Cot cemetery, which we visited on our final day. It was an honour for us to be able to lay a wreath on behalf of the school. Each student placed their hand on a name of a missing soldier, to take their memory home and ensure that we will remember them. As well as reinforcing classroom-based curriculum study, we also managed to fit in time for some more recreational activities as well on our trip. On the first day, students were able to visit shops selling famous Belgian chocolate, as well as having some time to explore the rebuilt city of Ypres. We arrived at our accommodation on Wednesday just in time to watch the European Football Championship semi-final victory for England together in the Hostel conference room. Students also took the opportunity to visit the duty-free shops whilst waiting for our shuttle to and from the European continent. All of our students conducted themselves in an exemplary manner and both our guides, as well as the coach driver, remarked on how impressed they were with their behaviour. All in all, it was a brilliant learning experience, as well as being fantastic fun for everyone involved! “It was very tranquil at Tyne Cot when we placed our wreath to commemorate the dead.” Ed W “It showed us the footsteps of the people that came before us, so we can prevent anything like this happening again. It brought it to reality.” Toby M “I really enjoyed learning about what the people did and all the different places we went to.” Grace S View Article
Posted on: 12/07/2023Students have once again been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green FlagStudents have once again been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag. The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an international accreditation that recognises efforts to raise environmental awareness amongst young people, whilst taking action to make their school more sustainable. Amery Hill School is proud to announce that it has retained its status as an accredited Eco-School. The Eco-Schools programme was established in 1994 and is now delivered in more than 70 countries across the globe. The programme prompts young people to explore a variety of environmental issues, including climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Students are then empowered to plan and deliver environmental actions in their school, local community, and beyond. This year, the Eco-Union has continued to build on the strong foundations set out at the start of the school’s Eco-Schools journey and in recent months has completed an Environmental Review. This has really highlighted the scope and positive impact of many eco initiatives implemented over the past three years. Promotion of earth day, numerous recycling initiatives, eco competitions and fundraising for key climate change charities are just some of the work the Eco-Union has spearheaded. “The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognised symbol of high environmental standards. The students and school staff are to be commended and deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity to retain the school’s status as an accredited Eco-School. They are an inspiration to us all.” Mr Mann.View Article
Posted on: 12/07/2023Students have once again been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green FlagStudents have once again been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag. The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an international accreditation that recognises efforts to raise environmental awareness amongst young people, whilst taking action to make their school more sustainable. Amery Hill School is proud to announce that it has retained its status as an accredited Eco-School. The Eco-Schools programme was established in 1994 and is now delivered in more than 70 countries across the globe. The programme prompts young people to explore a variety of environmental issues, including climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Students are then empowered to plan and deliver environmental actions in their school, local community, and beyond. This year, the Eco-Union has continued to build on the strong foundations set out at the start of the school’s Eco-Schools journey and in recent months has completed an Environmental Review. This has really highlighted the scope and positive impact of many eco initiatives implemented over the past three years. Promotion of earth day, numerous recycling initiatives, eco competitions and fundraising for key climate change charities are just some of the work the Eco-Union has spearheaded. “The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognised symbol of high environmental standards. The students and school staff are to be commended and deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity to retain the school’s status as an accredited Eco-School. They are an inspiration to us all.” Mr Mann.View Article