Year 8 Foundation Options
In Year 9 students select some of the subjects that they wish to study in greater detail; their Foundation Options. (Choices are made in the Spring Term of Year 8.) We view Year 9 as a ‘transition year’, where students transition from the broad curriculum covered in Key Stage 3, to the highly personalised curriculum studied in Key Stage 4.
In Year 9, all students will continue to study: English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, French / German, Religious Studies and Core P.E. These subjects represent a foundation in the core curriculum that will develop the analytical and problem-solving skills that students require as they progress with their studies.
Students will also be able to choose to study 3 Foundation Options subjects to study. For their Foundation Options, students are not choosing their full GCSE options, but most students select subjects that they may wish to study for their GCSEs. As well as allowing students to spend more time developing the necessary skills in these subjects, this will also allow students to try these subjects before making their final GCSE choices.
Foundation Options Information Evening – Wednesday 12th March 2025
We are delighted to be able to invite you to attend our Foundation Options Information Evening. We hope that this evening will provide you with plenty of information, to allow you and your child to make informed choices about the courses that they wish to study next year.
Should you have any questions that are not answered during the course of the evening, or by the presentations and information available on our website, please don’t hesitate to contact us via
Mr J. Eacott
Assistant Headteacher