Posted on: 29/11/2024Careers Fair a Huge SuccessThis first term of the school year has seen some important positive change to our ‘Education for Life’ programme, as a result of the adaptions to the structure of the school day. Students now have two extended tutor times a week where they cover the PSHE and Careers Programme, which has allowed us to cover more material in greater detail, giving them a real ‘Education for Life’. In this new spiral curriculum, students across the school have been studying similar topics during the autumn term, with various levels of age-appropriate content, to ensure knowledge is built on as they progress though the school and to continue to challenge their views on important topics. The Careers Programme is an important module within our ‘Education for Life’ curriculum. Just before October half term, many of our local colleges, as well as an apprenticeship provider, came into school to help Year 11 apply for their chosen next steps. As the first of the college application deadlines has just passed, it is important that all students apply for a place, if possible, this side of Christmas. If you would like more information around this, please get in touch with our Careers Advisor at Earlier in the term, we were pleased to announce that our Year 10 cohort will be on a week of work experience later in the school year. This opportunity will help provide even greater insight in to the world of work and options beyond Amery Hill, and will hopefully give them experiences that will help inform future choices. Students who have been unsuccessful in finding their own placement have been supported to find a suitable opportunity, but if you still have a concern that a placement has not been found or agreed please get in touch at On Friday 29th November we hosted our annual Careers Fair, in which Year 9 and 10 students had the chance to interact with local businesses and colleges in workshops throughout the school day, followed by a visit to the Careers Fair in the Main Hall. Students took part in workshops as: ‘Seeing is Believing’ with InSync Technology, ‘The Power of Journalism’ with Naked Politics and many, many more. Thank you to everyone who came along and made the Fair such a huge success. We hope next year will be even bigger! View Article
Posted on: 26/06/2024Year 11 Prom: Sunshine, smiles, tears and mini-golfYear 11 gathered at the beautiful Audleys Wood Hotel for a magical night celebrating the proud achievements of their five years together at Amery Hill School. The arrival of police and fire service vehicles in the first few minutes turned out to be false alarms, as bevies of glamorous students emerged from both. They joined their fellow dapper Year 11 friends, who arrived on the red carpet from all manner of other transportation, both quirky and classic. After welcome drinks, attendees took advantage of some rare summer evening sun, playing the many party games which the Prom Committee had organised – including limbo and mini-golf – against the beautiful background of the hotel grounds and the golden fields beyond. They then descended on the beautifully-decorated marquee for a scrumptious barbecue and ice creams. The atmosphere on the night was utterly joyful, with everyone dancing and laughing together for hours, helped along by tunes from Year 11’s best-kept secret, the band ‘Four No More’, and a staff band into the bargain. Most people seemed to end up holding their shoes, and complaining of blisters, which is generally a sign of a good night had by all! Most were reluctant to leave the party, with final memories shared and tears shed at the end. It was an unforgettable night, and a worthy tribute to a year group that has been through so much together. But they’re ready for the next adventures in their lives now, and if they approach those with half the energy that they did this prom, they will be absolutely fine! Visit to view the Prom Gallery. View Article
Posted on: 3/07/2024ACAN Ambassadors Lead the WayThe summer term has been Eco-Union’s busiest yet! This term's main event was the Young ACAN Eco Conference. Eco-Union took 14 students down to the Maltings in Alton for a day filled with multiple workshops on environmental topics, all with a focus on protecting our rivers and oceans. Amery Hill was also represented by four of our Year 10 students who acted as Young ACAN Ambassadors, running one of the workshop sessions themselves. The day was a great success and our students were proud to stand on the stage and share their experiences and learning along with students from Eggar’s School and nine other Primary and Junior schools from the local area. The other focus for the term has been completing our application for this years' re-certification of our Green Flag status. The application involves providing evidence of our Eco activities as a school and the members of Eco-Union have put a great deal of effort into this. We have chosen to focus on three topics for next year; Biodiversity, Litter and School Grounds. Keep an eye out for any changes to the school site in the coming year as we aim to make Amery Hill as sustainable as possible. View Article
Posted on: 29/04/2024The DOSE Effect - TJ Power VisitThe DOSE Effect is an approach championed by Tj Power, a neuroscientist, who has been working with the school to educate our students, families and staff to help us to understand how brain chemistry affects mental health, and how the things that we do can positively influence these chemicals. We are delighted to have been awarded financial support from Waitrose Alton and Gallagher Insurance which will enable us to extend the programme to other students and families within our school community. The potential of this project is far reaching and having trialled the programme with our Year 9 students, we have already had some incredible feedback. The students have been really engaged with the programme and the workshops that Tj has run for them and the feedback suggests that it is making a positive difference for many within our community – students, primarily of course, but families too. Educating and supporting our young people to understand and further their knowledge on how to enhance their mental health will not only lead them to being more fulfilled but will help them to achieve their full potential at school and also beyond, as they turn their minds to college, perhaps university and employment. Our thanks to both Waitrose Alton and Gallagher Insurance for seeing the benefit for our students in this programme and for providing additional funds to allow us to roll out the programme to other students. What the students said... "Loved having you at my school, defo going to miss your sessions every week" "Thanks so much WE ALL miss you already" "Thank you so much for coming into our school. I have learnt a lot from you. Also my mum thought you were amazing" "Really interesting to learn about all the different chemicals and has definitely changed the small things in my life to make a big difference thanks so much" "Thank you so much for coming to my school. I have learnt so much from you over the past few weeks" What our parents said... “Just a quick note to say thanks so much for organising Tj Power's school visits and the talk last night. He was brilliant! So insightful; I think it's great that you guys have brought him into Amery to work with the kids. My child has been working harder at school, taking the dog for walks and has even set a TikTok limit on her phone - all off her own back! Really appreciate it. Thanks again.” “I just wanted to say thank you for the session with Tj yesterday. I was incredibly interesting and really gave us something to think about with the girls. I hope that other years will be able to benefit in the future- very much education for life and giving a different perspective. We are enjoying our hugs very much!” “Thank you for bringing Tj Power into school yesterday to talk to the Yr 9 parents - I found him really easy to listen to, I found his DOSE effect really resonated with this age group. My child and I chatted about it afterwards and already have planned some things to focus on doing from now on. I’d love to see this continue through and embed into the school. Many thanks.” “Thanks again for organising last night. Tj is so engaging and I can see why the kids got so much out of it too. I definitely went away with some new motivation to improve things at home.” View Article
Posted on: 12/07/2024A Time for ReflectionTwo weeks before the end of the summer term, 45 GCSE History students, along with Mr Eaton, Dr Lewis-Vidler, Mrs Stanley and Mr White, visited the battlefields of the First World War in Belgium and Northern France. We went not only to visit the sites of major events in the conflict but also to pay our respects and commemorate those who so bravely put their lives on the line. We visited many locations that students have learnt about in class and our guides were brilliant at taking us to places when men from Alton lost their lives and were buried, such as Hawthorn Ridge and Crater. On the trip we visited many cemeteries and memorials of soldiers and it was extremely touching for us to hear a few of the personal stories of the people who have their final resting place abroad, so far from home. Particularly impactful were the large memorials including the Menin Gate, where we saw the Last Post ceremony take place on the first day, Thiepval Memorial to the missing of the Battle of the Somme and Tyne Cot cemetery, which we visited on our final day. It was an honour for us to be able to lay a wreath on behalf of the school. Each student placed their hand on a name of a missing soldier, to take their memory home and ensure that we will remember them. As well as reinforcing classroom-based curriculum study, we also managed to fit in time for some more recreational activities as well on our trip. On the first day, students were able to visit shops selling famous Belgian chocolate, as well as having some time to explore the rebuilt city of Ypres. We arrived at our accommodation on Wednesday just in time to watch the European Football Championship semi-final victory for England together in the Hostel conference room. Students also took the opportunity to visit the duty-free shops whilst waiting for our shuttle to and from the European continent. All of our students conducted themselves in an exemplary manner and both our guides, as well as the coach driver, remarked on how impressed they were with their behaviour. All in all, it was a brilliant learning experience, as well as being fantastic fun for everyone involved! “It was very tranquil at Tyne Cot when we placed our wreath to commemorate the dead.” Ed W “It showed us the footsteps of the people that came before us, so we can prevent anything like this happening again. It brought it to reality.” Toby M “I really enjoyed learning about what the people did and all the different places we went to.” Grace S View Article
Posted on: 26/06/2023Amery Hill School Announces New HeadteacherAmery Hill School in Alton is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Headteacher, Mr Rob Jeckells, who will take up the position, in September 2023, after the summer holidays. Mr Jeckells is a highly experienced Deputy Headteacher from Kings’ School in Winchester. The comprehensive recruitment process included seeking external independent advice as well as involving a broad cross-section of Trustees, staff and students in the school. One of our objectives was to find a Headteacher who understands and shares our outlook, which is rooted in strong values. Throughout our discussions it was clear that Mr Jeckells, not only shares our focus on academic excellence and high achievement for all, but will continue to develop our ethos and vision in the future. We would like to congratulate Mr Mann, our current Headteacher, who has been appointed as CEO of Wildern Academy Trust and will take up his new position in September. Rob Jeckells said: ‘It will be my honour and privilege to lead Amery Hill School. I am a strong believer in the power of education to transform lives, and I’m ambitious to build upon the work of the current Headteacher and staff. The opportunity to lead Amery Hill School and serve the whole community is hugely exciting for me and I’m looking forward to leading the school into the next phase of its history.’ Lorna Vickery, Chair of Trustees, said ‘We are very sad to see Mr Mann depart and thank him for all the hard work and dedication he has shown to ensure the very best for the students at Amery Hill School. Mr Mann has worked tirelessly with the Senior Leadership Team, staff and Trustees over the last five years to strengthen the academic excellence of our school and maintain our caring ethos, whilst steering the school through the Covid pandemic. We look forward to a bright future for the school with Mr Jeckells, whilst wishing Mr Mann every success, health and happiness with his future career.’View Article