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Careers Fair a Huge Success
Posted on: November 29th 2024This first term of the school year has seen some important positive change to our ‘Education for Life’ programme, as a result of the adaptions to the structure of the school day. Students now have two extended tutor times a week where they cover the PSHE and Careers Programme, which has allowed us to cover more material in greater detail, giving them a real ‘Education for Life’. In this new spiral curriculum, students across the school have been studying similar topics during the autumn term, with various levels of age-appropriate content, to ensure knowledge is built on as they progress though the school and to continue to challenge their views on important topics.
The Careers Programme is an important module within our ‘Education for Life’ curriculum. Just before October half term, many of our local colleges, as well as an apprenticeship provider, came into school to help Year 11 apply for their chosen next steps. As the first of the college application deadlines has just passed, it is important that all students apply for a place, if possible, this side of Christmas. If you would like more information around this, please get in touch with our Careers Advisor at careers_counsellor@ameryhill.school
Earlier in the term, we were pleased to announce that our Year 10 cohort will be on a week of work experience later in the school year. This opportunity will help provide even greater insight in to the world of work and options beyond Amery Hill, and will hopefully give them experiences that will help inform future choices. Students who have been unsuccessful in finding their own placement have been supported to find a suitable opportunity, but if you still have a concern that a placement has not been found or agreed please get in touch at careersadmin@ameryill.school
On Friday 29th November we hosted our annual Careers Fair, in which Year 9 and 10 students had the chance to interact with local businesses and colleges in workshops throughout the school day, followed by a visit to the Careers Fair in the Main Hall. Students took part in workshops as: ‘Seeing is Believing’ with InSync Technology, ‘The Power of Journalism’ with Naked Politics and many, many more. Thank you to everyone who came along and made the Fair such a huge success. We hope next year will be even bigger!