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Students have once again been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag
Posted on: July 12th 2023Students have once again been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag.
The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an international accreditation that recognises efforts to raise environmental awareness amongst young people, whilst taking action to make their school more sustainable. Amery Hill School is proud to announce that it has retained its status as an accredited Eco-School.
The Eco-Schools programme was established in 1994 and is now delivered in more than 70 countries across the globe. The programme prompts young people to explore a variety of environmental issues, including climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Students are then empowered to plan and deliver environmental actions in their school, local community, and beyond.
This year, the Eco-Union has continued to build on the strong foundations set out at the start of the school’s Eco-Schools journey and in recent months has completed an Environmental Review. This has really highlighted the scope and positive impact of many eco initiatives implemented over the past three years. Promotion of earth day, numerous recycling initiatives, eco competitions and fundraising for key climate change charities are just some of the work the Eco-Union has spearheaded.
“The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognised symbol of high environmental standards. The students and school staff are to be commended and deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity to retain the school’s status as an accredited Eco-School. They are an inspiration to us all.” Mr Mann.