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GCSE Results 2024

Posted on: August 22nd 2024

Resultsday2024Once again, students at Amery Hill School have done themselves proud!

We offer huge congratulations to our ‘Class of 2024’ for their fantastic GCSE results. Throughout their time at our school, the students of this year group have shown grit and genuine commitment to their studies, and have set an excellent example, both through these qualities, and through their kindness and consideration to each other, and to other members of the school community.

At Amery Hill, our school motto is ‘Education for Life’. We want our students to leave us as positive and confident individuals, who feel absolutely ready for their next steps in life, and the challenges they may encounter. And, despite two disrupted years of secondary  education as a result of the pandemic, working alongside dedicated staff, and with strong parental support, our students have shown that strength of character, aspiration and determination can achieve.

We are delighted by their success and believe that it again demonstrates the importance of the school’s core values of Independence, Creativity, Active Learning, Resilience and Empathy. Our ‘Class of 2024’ is now well placed to move beyond the school gates and is in the very best place to head onto college, apprenticeships or work-based training.

Although I have only worked with this cohort of students since I joined Amery Hill in September 2023, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with them, and alongside all members of our school community, wish them the very best of luck, and success and happiness in the future.


R Jeckells

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Amery Hill Tops Happiest Schools Survey
Posted on: 9/03/2025

Amery Hill Tops Happiest Schools Survey

  ‘The happiest secondary schools, ranked by Ofsted. Where’s yours?’ was the title of an article published on Sunday (9/3/25) by The Sunday Times*. We are delighted to see that Amery Hill School has been ranked joint top in Hampshire with three other secondary schools, with a happiness score of 95% compared to the national average score of 83%. “Achieving success in public examinations is always going to be important and something that the majority of parents will consider when choosing a secondary school for their child,” Mr Rob Jeckells, Headteacher at Amery Hill School commented, “but this survey also tells us that parents across the country are clear that academic success should not come at the expense of their child’s happiness and wellbeing.” He went on to add, "At Amery Hill School, we value the importance of both student wellbeing and academic excellence, and are proud of our reputation as a school that delivers these things within an ambitious educational setting that is exciting, enjoyable and accessible to all." *The Sunday Times analysed five years of Parent View data — surveys that parents fill out on Ofsted’s website about their children’s schools, with more than 500,000 doing so every year — to find some of the happiest in the country. The Sunday Times looked at Parent View analysis between 2020 and 2025 and chose the year in which the largest number of surveys had been completed, which tended to be the year of their Ofsted inspection. Schools with at least 500 places and with surveys completed by at least 100 parents in a single year were included in the survey. View Article